Doug Loudenback

“The principal focus of this blog is Oklahoma City history, past, present & future, including the city’s NBA teams, as well as anything else I decide to write about from time to time. – Doug Loudenback
From 2006 to 2014, Doug did just that. As a lawyer turned city historian and author, Doug meticulously researched city history and provided an important resource for those wanting to learn more about our community. Doug, a founding member of Retro Metro OKC, died on September 12, 2021 after an extensive illness. His writings are preserved for future generations.
The Men Who Kicked The Hornets Nest
Credit The Who for background audio, "Who Are You," in the video, above, and Swedish author Stieg Larrson for the concept — his Dragon Tatoo trilogy is almost certainly the finest political/crime/suspense literature of this century and the Swedish movie versions of...
A Book Review For Black History Month
Above, Clara Luper February has come to be accepted as "Black History Month" or "African American History Month" in the United States. About that, see this Library of Congress page and this January 2002 City of Oklahoma City Council resolution. It is all the more...
New Years Eats 2011-2012
This year's downtown celebration of New Year's Eve has its usual flair, with some pluses and a bit of rearrangement. Called "Opening Night," this event sponsored by the Oklahoma City Arts Council first occurred in 1987 and has progressively grown since then and...
Christmas 2011
Originally posted 12/20/2011; updated 12/24 to include the closing video portion of It's A Wonderful Life, Frank Capra's 1946 best Christmas movie ever. Has Doug Dawg become a religious person in his aging years? Maybe ... I once was, and maybe still am, and/or may...
Who’s the Best for the 99%?
The Metro Trends element of the Urban Institute says that it's Oklahoma City. In an article named, "Are Some Metros Better for the 99%?" on December 5, 2011, Margery Turner of Metro Trends gave a hint that Oklahoma City might fare well in an answer to that question in...
From Arrows to Atoms, 21st Century Version
On April 22, 1957, the "Arrows to Atoms" two-hundred-foot-tall tower at the state fairgrounds in Oklahoma City was dedicated and lighted as part of the state's Semi-Centennial. The days of the Dust Bowl were then well within the memories of most in the city and state...