Thanks to Jack Money and Steve Lackmeyer (above, left to right), authors of the fantastic Urban Renewal-to-present-day history book, OKC – Second Time Around, as well as an upcoming book on the history of the Skirvin Hotel, a brand new Oklahoma City history...
Edited 6/9/07: Anonymous posting is again allowd and will remain so as long as comments are kept polite. Edited 6/11/07: Well, that didn’t last long. Anonymous comments will be allowed but I’ll moderate all comments. Sorry. But I’m not going to put...
The long days and months of grief and mourning have been hard to endure … he was thought by many to have been rendered at least impotent by a blast of Kryptonite from the dastardly Lex Luthor. Yes, Superman, otherwise known as the mild mannered Ace Reporter...
This is my initial foray into blogging stuff … it will take me a little experience and time to get it right! But, I’m hoping that you will find something of value in Doug Dawg’s Blog, hopefully not only later, but sooner! As I bounce my way around...