The Beginnings. A very nice article at the Metropolitan Library System (you may need to click your “refresh button” – F5 – after clicking the MLS link for the article to open) traces the origins and history of the downtown public libraries before the 2004...
On a fine Sunday afternoon (7/22/2007), I ventured to Antique Avenue Market at 5219 N. Western (immediately west of Bishop McGuiness School) to visit Doug Hamilton and his “booth” there. I was looking for some “vintage” maps … which I...
Saints, St. Ann’s, St. Anthony’s, Saint A’s, whatever you want to call it, was established in Oklahoma City in 1898, 9 years after the Land Run. Its first “permanent” home, finished in 1899, is shown below, at 1000 N. Lee, then outside...
The re-opened Skirvin and the re-created Colcord Hotel have already been covered in other posts and are not further discussed here. Because of their singular importance to Oklahoma City history, each has it own post. Instead, this post explores OTHER downtown Oklahoma...
2 Downtown Obscurities Now that the Skirvin is a done deal, what’s next downtown? Doug Dawgz crystal balls don’t work but this post explores a couple of obscure downtown buildings, one of which is pretty ancient (1926-27), one less so (1957), but both...