Blogging Rail At LetsTalkTransit

This updates the content of the original March 30, 2010, article to include later information through June 24, 2010. Click here to jump to the June 24 update. A series of 7 public meetings began on March 29 about the location of and other matters pertaining to the...

SandRidge — Holder of a Legacy

Robert S. Kerr & Dean A. McGee Receive Bolos in New Mexico, circa 1950s As much as all in Oklahoma City appreciate that SandRidge purchased from Anadarko Petroleum the former Kerr-McGee properties and moved its operations downtown, historically speaking, all...

SandRidge Commons — Round 2

Original article posted on May 22, 2010; updated on May 24 to include audio files of the BOA meeting and to amend and complete the article This article describes the appeal hearing before the Oklahoma City Board of Adjustment on Thursday, May 20, 2010, between 1:30...

SandRidge — The National Trust For Historic Preservation Weighs In

A funny thing happened on the way to the National Main Streets Conference hosted by Oklahoma City on May 2-5, 2010, at the Cox Convention Center. The Main Street program is part of the operations of the National Trust For Historic Preservation with its national...

SandRidge Commons — What About Door #3?

Some, on both sides of the SandRidge Commons proposal, advocate an all or nothing position. But … WHAT IF it doesn’t have to be one way or the other? What about Door #3 which might satisfy both (1) SandRidge’s legitimate wishes to improve its campus,...